Monday, September 13, 2021

Week 3B: Developing a Brand

 I don't own a brand or business, but it has been a dream of mine to be in the livestreaming industry. This would preferably be focused on games, but because it would be a collaboration with my sister and possibly close friends I leave those specifics open-ended for now. 

While we would use several social media sites to advertise, we would use twitch and youtube to actually stream. We have went back and forth about several channel names but the last we settled on was DrewBee, a combination of our names that I thought sounded catchy enough. To me it sounds like it'd be a ghost's name, but my sister think's it'd make more sense to have a bee be the mascot. 

I've sketched a few logo's before and used a very cartoonified drawing of us in gaming head sets to indicate that it's a gaming channel. If I could learn the skillset I would like to practice this cartoon style to potentially make a channel intro. If not, I'm planning on making some sort of game controller as the logo/icon of the channel with the name inside.

I am thinking of going with a red vs blue color theme, to represent our different yet compatible personalities. I would be the red since I tend to lose my head when I, well, lose! And my sister would be blue for her coolheadedness and funny jabs at me. If not these colors specifically, then any 2 colors that clash but still look pleasing to the eye would work (such as pink and green, or orange and purple). 

I think highlighting our stark personalities and having a mascot would help with brand recognition. All of our platforms would definitely have the same icon and all link to one another. Because this is still way into the planning stage I haven't really gone as far as to decide on a font, among other little things, but that would also be consistent to help with brand recognition. 

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