Monday, November 15, 2021

Week 12 Part B: Business Specific Tools

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Last week I was pretty confident that any business owner could utilize any online tool available to them; after exploring my classmates blogs and their various businesses, I am not too sure about that claim. Instead, I think it is more wise to focus on what you know would benefit the business directly- For some that is the more creative route of tiktok and other social media apps that can easily boost your creation. For other more, well, business-like businesses, it is the strictly professional LinkedIn and Google. It is all about experimenting until you find the right niche.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right. There are so many tools that one can get lost in the sauce a little. Pick what works for you and run with it. I like webpages and Instagram. I'm 34 and I am a little lost in the advent of Tik-Tok. Thats ok though, I use tools that work for me and my business needs.
    Your layout is so clean and I like the graphic . I need to figure out how to do that.
